The TRENCH’N edge Trencher has developed a new method of installing Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) and Waste Water Dispersion (WWD) systems that decrease installation cost and clean-up labor. “Our new method of installing these water saving and water recycling systems save and reuse a substantial amount of one of our most precious resource, fresh water” said Patrick Dean, President of the TRENCH’N edge Trencher. “We developed a method of discharging the trenched material directly into the previously dug trencher that dramatically reduces the handling of trench spoils, thus decreasing labor cost and making SDI system installation extremely competitive with conventional spray-in-the-air irrigation methods”. It has been known for decades that SDI saves 40% to 60% of household and agricultural water by getting the moisture right at the root zone, without spraying the water into the air, where it can evaporate before it hits the ground”. It also eliminates the overspray onto sidewalks, streets and driveways that have now been restricted by California and Texas. In fact parts of Australia have exempted some SDI systems from watering bans, since they are substantially more efficient.
In addition, WWD from newer septic systems (black water) and the capturing of rainwater, laundry, bathing and kitchen sink water (greywater) there is an increased need for our installation methods for the reuse of this household water. You can reuse this source of water, once it is treated and filtered, for irrigation of lawns and non-vegetable gardens, which will reduce the use of fresh water and cut down on storm water run-off.
We wanted to develop installation methods that made it easier for irrigation contractors and do-it-yourselfers to install SDI and WWD systems that not only save them labor cost, but make it easy to “Go Green” for the same installation cost as conventional systems. We actually have developed the “blade-in-a-blade” technology as an option on all of our irrigation trenchers, which will install both conventional irrigation and SDI/WWD systems all in one unit. This blade will also allow for the installation of low voltage lighting, cable TV, dog fencing and silt fence.
We are now thinking of fresh water as resource instead of a commodity. Where else can property owners make such a dramatic positive impact for the environment, right in their own backyard?
Pictures by Andrew Walladge, Berri Native Plants, Berri, South Australia – Irrigation Contractor